

I assume you are here, in the main, because you have contracted Grovers Disease or  are a family member of one who has.  You may have been attracted to this website’s tagline, “Itching for a cure.” Yet, please understand, we are a social association sharing experiences, good and bad about Grovers Disease. Although there is no known cure for Grovers Disease at this time, we can work towards alleviating its most aggravating side effect; the itch.

It would be our position that cures quite often are incremental. Not many decades ago, contracting diabetes was almost a pronouncement of death. Then Insulin was discovered. Was diabetes fully conquered? No, but life got better for diabetics.

The good news about Grovers Disease is about it being benign and self-resolving, usually within a year.  Ah, but its related itch, once described by one with the disease as wanting to jump off a bridge.

In sum, our mission here is to centralize a fuller understanding of  Grovers Disease, and to also give extra attention to its itch. Not slow it down for a few hours, eliminate it.

Sam Gallo, Chairman
April 2024