
American Grover’s Disease Association (AGDA) is defined as a “Voluntary Health Association.” As such, it follows the guidelines of conduct set forth by the U.S. Centers of Disease Control (CDC), as follows,

AGDA is not authorized to diagnose, treat, prescribe, provide referrals, or otherwise give personal medical advice. You should always see a medical professional if you think you need treatment as it does not examine or treat patients

Our Mission is:

A life without Grover’s Disease.

Our immediate goals about how

Goals within its Mission

  • Document the medical approach for making a Grover’s Disease diagnosis.
  • Determine Standards of Care and protocols for lessoning, calming, or eliminating Grover’s Disease side-effects.
  • Conduct scientific sessions to present and publish research regarding Grover’s Disease, ultimately leading to a cure.
  • Manage a social association of Grover’s Disease afflicted persons, medical professionals, and financially supporting donors.

Founding Goals
May 14, 2024